settling in with LUV

A Wonderful New Adventure

We truly understand that starting nursery is a significant milestone and it is not easy to leave your child somewhere new. We aim to make this transition as smooth as possible. Our loving team are always on hand to help, support and guide you through this new chapter.

Our best piece of advice is to think of starting nursery as the beginning of a wonderful new adventure. Where very soon your child will be growing in confidence, making new friends, and will be enjoying all the magic that nursery life offers.

carer and baby

Building Wonderful Relationships

In our dedicated parent areas, we take the time to get to know your child before they start. We understand that you know your child best and are interested in knowing even the smallest details, that only you would know. Every child receives tailored settling in sessions before their first day. Starting four weeks before their official start date, these free sessions are at differing times to provide your child with an opportunity to experience a variety of play opportunities, mealtimes, nap times and most importantly time to build wonderful bonds with the adults and children in their room.

A Warm, Caring & Loving Team

You will find our team warm, caring and they are committed to building respectful, trusting relationships with every family. Ensuring a constant open dialogue is maintained to keep you updated with your child’s day, learning and development.

Through our online platform Famly, you will have instant access to a record of all your child’s daily activities including meals, nappy changes and naps, updates on nursery news and upcoming events, but the most exciting part is the easy access to your child’s learning journal. Here we will capture, celebrate and record lots of the wonderful experiences they have loved and enjoyed at nursery for you to see and enjoy too.