dance with LUV

Fun filled Dance & Movement Sessions

Sparking joy, creativity and encouraging self-expression, our fun filled dance and movement sessions are an integral part of nursery life.

Our qualified dance teacher works with all ages and stages at nursery, from baby room right up to Pre-School. Using our dedicated dance studio to deliver a wide range of exciting and energetic sessions for our children to love and enjoy.

Movement rich curriculum

Children love to move, engage their bodies and are natural born wigglers. Learning more physical skills in the first five years than at any other times in their lives, we understand that the early years are some of the most important and creative years of a child’s life. Children are masters of movement, creativity and inventiveness. Opportunities to dance not only helps to improve physical fitness but also engages the mind and develops emotional wellbeing along with nurturing both social and communication skills. Dance is an important component of our movement rich curriculum here at LUV Nurseries.

Benefits of Dance

Regular opportunities to enjoy dance and movement offers a host of benefits

  • Physical Development

Helping to keep the heart and lungs healthy, increasing muscular strength, enhancing coordination, improving flexibility, balance, endurance, and spatial awareness. 

  • Communication & Language

Music, song, rhyme, storytelling and role play all underpin many dance activities help to promote, develop and strengthen communication, language and listening skills. 

  • Social & Emotional Development

It feels good to move to music, releasing endorphins dance provides valuable opportunities for children to work together, connect and collaborate. By dancing with others’ children make new friends, build relationships and develop social skills such as cooperation, empathy and respect.

  • Cognitive Development

Engaging both body and mind. Dance helps to improve memory through remembering sounds, patterns, sequence and developing their kinaesthetic memory. It also aids concentration, focus, and supports the development of problem-solving skills.

  • Nurturing Creativity

Dance encourages children to be expressive, imaginative, and experimental. Opportunities to be creative and take risks helps to boost both confidence and self-esteem.