fees and funding

Let’s Keep It Simple

At LUV we try and keep things simple and transparent when it comes to paying your nursery fees. One of our admin team will email by the 20th of each month providing a copy of your invoice for the forthcoming month.

All fees are calculated on a pro- rata basis meaning your fees will remain the same each month. Fees are due on or before the 1st day of the month, for the month ahead. It’s easy to pay by BACS transfer or standing order. We also understand that you might have multiple payment channels including different family members along with childcare vouchers, this is common practice and easily arranged. If you ever have any questions the nursery management team or nursery admin personnel are always on hand to help.

kids at nursery

We Endeavour to Accommodate

Discounts are available for siblings and daily fees reduce for children attending full time. We always endeavour to accommodate siblings, however, please register a place with us early by following our admissions policy making sure a place is available and secured.

To help ensure our children settle well into nursery, we operate a minimum session of two full days. This ensures each child received consistency and routine they need, whilst enabling our dedicated team to have quality time to observe, assess, and progress your child’s development effectively.

Government Funding

In March 2023 the government announced changes to help qualifying working families with childcare costs. 

Depending on personal circumstances many working families with children aged 9 months old to 4 years of age, will be eligible to apply for up to 30 hours of subsidised childcare per week, for 38 weeks of the year. 

This new scheme is being rolled out gradually:


Child’s Age


Already in place

3 & 4 year olds

30 hours, 38 weeks of the year

Already in place

2 year olds

15 hours, 38 weeks of the year

Sept 2024

9 to 24 months old

15 hours, 38 weeks of the year

Sept 2025

9 months to 4 years old

30 hours, 38 weeks of the year

Funding is for term time only, being 38 weeks of the year. As we operate for 51 weeks of the year, we spread your funding over this period. Equating to 11 hours per week for a child who receives a 15 hours funded place and 22 per week for a 30 hours funded place.

For more information on eligibility and how to apply for your funding code please visit the government childcare choices website

Although the new scheme has been warmly welcomed as it is providing so many working families with the extra help they need, it does only cover limited hours and unfortunately doesn’t cover all the key LUV essentials that are lovingly provided to make our nurseries so very special. To help us continue to provide the highest level of care we will ask you to contribute towards the cost along with any additional hours.

More detailed information will be provided upon viewing or application request.