LUV outdoors

Igniting Children’s Curiosity & Wonder of The World

We live in a wondrous world and at LUV Nurseries our outdoor spaces provide special places to further ignite children’s innate curiosity and wonder of the world.

Daily outdoor play and adventures are an integral part of our nursery life. We access the outdoors all year round, embracing all weathers to maximise the endless opportunities and possibilities the great outdoors has to offer. Children are hands on learners and love to be busy and active. The fresh air, space and the seasonal changes provide children with the freedom to explore on a bigger and grander scale which not only improves fitness, develops muscles strength and coordination but also stimulates their natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge, having a real positive impact on their learning and development.

Building a Lifelong Appreciation of The World We Live In

We are extremely passionate about building a lifelong appreciation of the world we live in, its benefits and many treasures. We take pride in our safe and secure garden which offers rich, rewarding, and challenging opportunities to support all seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Some of the Core Daily Activities:

Designing & constructing dens with friends

Planting and taking loving care of our vegetable patches

Investigating and creating marvellous concoctions in the mud kitchens

Being energetic with their friends on the bikes and scooters

Observing the wonderful changes developing in our bug hotels

Moulding and sculpting in the sandpit

Beyond Our Nursery Garden

Children at LUV nurseries have first-hand experiences beyond our nursery garden. We are always keen to explore and extend their learning in the wider community. Whether it’s a local walk, fun at the park or investigating in the woodlands, these essential experiences offer an abundance of learning opportunities for our enthusiastic and eager little learners to love and enjoy.