homemade with LUV

Keeping Children Healthy and Happy

Our passionate knowledgeable chefs have worked together to design our menus, focused on keeping children healthy and happy, as we understand good nutrition sits at the heart of a healthy child’s lifestyle. Wherever possible we purchase ethical, environmentally friendly locally sourced ingredients.

The early years is a time of rapid growth and development, we believe that it is vital every child has a healthy, well-balanced, and nutritious diet helping to provide them with all the nutrients and energy they will need to thrive.

Homemade Meals Our Children Love & Enjoy

Our seasonal menus run on a five weekly cycle and provide different tastes, textures, and cuisines from around the world that our children love and enjoy. Three wholesome meals and snacks are provided each day containing at least 5 fresh fruit and vegetables. Every child’s mealtime is recorded on our Famly app so you can see exactly what your child has enjoyed that day.

Mealtimes are a joyful time of the day where each room enjoys coming together. It provides opportunities for your children to develop their social and communication skills.

Sample Spring/Summer Menu Sample Autumn/Winter Menu

Promoting Enjoyment, Understanding & a Love of Food

At LUV nurseries we think it is vital to provide additional opportunities to explore food including your child growing their own fruit and vegetables, visiting the local green grocers to purchase some fresh ingredients to prepare for their snack, baking, food tasting and handling real food in our home corners. All of which we firmly believe promotes enjoyment, understanding and a love of food. Helping to build healthy habits that will last a lifetime.