Diverse hands are join together on the wooden table
LUV in the community

Exciting First-Hand Experiences

At LUV nurseries we have an ongoing desire to love, care and be actively involved within our local communities. We believe it’s imperative that children have fun and exciting first-hand experiences beyond our nursery rooms and gardens. Our positive community engagement not only helps to enrich our children’s lives but others too.

The meaningful and relevant opportunities the children experience promotes a development of vital knowledge, skills and authentic relationships which supports strong links with their community and wider world. Which in turn builds important connections and values that can last a lifetime.

Community Involvement

Some of the fun ways LUV will be out and about in the community:

Sharing our Love of Books

Dotted around the community we will leave our favourite stories for others to share and enjoy

Harvest Collection

We join together to help others by raising produce for local food bank charities

Out & About

Exploring our community through walks and trips to the local shops

Teachers’ Afternoon Tea

Our Preschool children enjoy inviting their new primary school teachers to nursery to spend time with them before the next stage of their learning journey